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<3 Carnivore since 2/14/20 <3

Quick Guide:

  • 30 Day Review: Includes review of biomentrics (weight, MAP, RHR, ketones), nutrient density and cost analysis, electrolyte and recovery analysis, and Omega-6 and Omega-3 ratios.
  • 45 Day Review: Caffeine (dose and time of ingestion effects on sleep), relationship between cardiovascular load and electrolytes, relationship between cardiovascular load and fatty acids.
  • [PENDING] 60 Day Review: Including correlations and regressions regarding sleep, recovery, caffeine, performance, ketones, blood sugar, fasting, and high fat vs. high protein. - est. May 7-14
  • [PENDING] 90 Day Review: Including Blood Work Update - est. May 14-21


Welcome to my statistical review of the carnivore diet. See the index below as well as my other nutritional and sport recovery studies. Other supporting documents include a raw data public spreadsheet on Google Drive and a Google Photos ablum with macro / micro nutrient profiles and blood panels.


Many moons ago, circa 2008, I began scowering bodybuilding forums to supplement my wrestling training. In 2010 I found my self carrying over 200 lbs on my 5’8” frame. I started training boxing, BJJ, and MMA then, and in 2011 took a more serious look at my diet.

I started to ditch the “bro-science” and be more methodical, picking up a copy of Tim Ferriss’s The Four Hour Body. It wasn’t too long then until I transitioned to Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution and Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint. And so I set out on my paleo path hapily from 2012 - 2019.

There was some experimenting along the way, including a vegeterian and even raw vegetarian stint, as well as some hang ups and regressions – life is tough and rife with unexpected challenges.

I stopped training combat sports in 2013 and at the end of 2018 I decided I wanted to return. My frist endeavor was to “get back to my fighting weight” (e.g. about 160-165 lbs.). I went back to a strict paleo food list, but added ketogenic macronutrients (70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs) as a last bet to “see if I was ready to back.” Well I did.

That went well for all of 2019, except I found myself in a flurry of ups and downs, sometimes creeping back up to 170 lbs. I always seemed to be working in more and more bars and shakes; and I never could completely divorce junk food. I often debated a negotiated different cheat meal schedules.

Eventually I felt I’d gone too far in that direction (fat bombs, gross amounts of liquid calories, junk cravings, etc…) and by nature of the plaeo / primal / keto circles I travel in, stumbled upon the carnivore diet. Sketpical as anyone at first – we need vegetables right! right? – and an adamant self-tester, I decided I could try anything for 30-days, measure the outcomes, and analyze my next step.

And so it began.